Friday, January 2, 2015

January 1st - My Favorite Day of the Year!

January 1st - My Favorite Day of the Year!

I think my favorite day of the year is January 1st.  It's what I call a 'Free Day' and it's really the only day of the year I feel is truly this 'free'.
Let me explain.
As the year comes to an end I find myself considering the past twelve months- and when I do this, I realize a lot has taken place. 2014 was no exception. This kind of reflection stirs up a lot of gratitude in me because I realize all that I have, and all that took place, and how I grew, and what I learned and… best of all… no matter what…I made it!
Reflecting also causes a little melancholy in me because I usually recognize some habits I've taken up that aren't beneficial or I find that I've forgotten some things that are beneficial. The New Year is the perfect time to turn over the proverbial leaf but apprehension sets in when I about how much effort it's going to take to 'turn' that leaf over - to make those changes.
January first is the lovely 'Day In Between'. The day after the holidays and before January 2nd  -- January 2nd is the day I wake up and realize the party's over! Push has come to shove and whatever I decided to do 'in the New Year' happens--  starting NOW!
But January first - oh blissful day! I am not accountable yet! I'm still coming down from the holidays and getting used to the New Year and any resolution I vowed doesn't take place until TOMORROW!  'Tomorrow' - January 2nd - is The Day of Reckoning! But January 1st is another story!
I spent my January 1st sleeping in and later drinking mimosas with my dear mother-in-law and enjoying an unusually sunny Northern California day. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind I knew that 'tomorrow' I'd start a new habit of… and I'd pick up that old habit I'd forgotten about….  
But for today - January 1st- Ahhh!   What a WONDERFUL day!

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