Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Brain Fog

I've just finished reading an article entitled 5 tips to banish brain fog and I think I've just read something that will not only help me but also help a lot of my friends. It is specifically written for those of us with funky thyroids but I think it will apply to many others - my friends with Crones Disease, Colitis, Diverticulitis, Chronic Fatigue, IBS…you name it, this might just be your ticket.  
What caught my attention was the description of 'Brain Fog':  …staring at your computer screen, walking into a room, standing in front of a cupboard or being in a store and wondering, "Why am I here again….What was it I was going to do/get/buy?" 
The possible answer to this frustrating scenario was a bit shocking and very new to me.  Brain inflammation.  What's that again?  Inflation of the brain, which actually leads to brain generation, which is likely connected to - you got it - diet and lifestyle.  Ugh! Why is it everything seems to trace back to diet and lifestyle? 
After reading the article it seems like there are several things we can do to make a drastic difference in nourishing our bodies and promoting balance. Some of the suggestions to regaining balance are:

  • ·         Heal your gut by drinking bone broth and going pro-biotic
  • ·         Get more sleep
  • ·         Eliminate gluten
  • ·         Cut back on sugar
  • ·         "Rebound" - a cute word for 'oxygenating' your body through aerobic exercise. 
  • ·         Dry Brushing.  Say what?  Dry brushing, so the article says, is a better way to start your day than a cup of java.  Dry brushing means to 'brush' your skin, that is brushing your dry skin (not wet) in circular, smooth motions from your ankles to your neck. This act promises to both relax and invigorate your nerve endings. 

Even if you just decide to tackle just one of these suggestions perhaps you'll feel better and be glad you did!

Here is the link, in case you want to check this out in more detail. 

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